Joseph Lowery, former President of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, respectfully known as the NAACP, once stated, "If you don't know where you came from, it's difficult to assess where you are. It's even more difficult to plan where you are going." Trials and tribulations are never too great for our God. Those who believe this act like it. They are confident, calm, and secure in the face of danger, for they know that the Lord will make away. Our church history exemplifies this spirit. We are blessed to inherit such a rich heritage, which includes events taken place in the leadership and progress of our Church and its people.
The history of our Church dates back to 1875, the same period as the "famous Black Exodus" and the institutionalization of the Jim Crow laws. Despite the impediments, hurdles, and obstacles, a small group of people approximately twelve in number felt the need to have a Church. There were not any churches within walking distance as Mr. Dempsie Wiggins would often team up his wagon to transport others to worship at First Baptist Church, Mahan Street, in Suffolk. Realizing the strong need for a church, the first recorded Church was set up at what is known as Wilroy, Virginia. This location, just opposite the Southern Railroad, was, at that time known as Wiggins' Grove. Its name was taken from Mr. Dempsie Wiggins, the man to whom this estate belonged at that time.
In and about the year of 1875, we started a small number of Believers under the leadership of the Rev. J. Washington Sumler. Financial weakness, as well as time for preparation, forced us to begin with this humble gathering through the mercy of God and Mr. Wiggins' generosity to allow our privilege to use his building as a place of worship. Realizing that unity would be a significant factor in keeping the few together, it was during the Pastorate of Rev. Sumler that we purchased one acre of land, erected, and dedicated a building for God's service. The name selected was Canaan, which signified dedication and accomplishment.
Under the leadership of Rev. Sumler, the first benches were placed in Canaan. He served the small Congregation for twelve years (1875-1887), and God saw fit to call him home. Knowing that to prosper, a church must have a leader, and we next chose Rev. T. A. Wood to become Pastor. He served the Congregation for two years (1887-1889). His first sermon was "Faith, Hope, and Charity." The sermon served as consolation, and the old Canaan kept marching.
Under Rev. Wood's leadership, in 1883, Canaan Baptist Sunday School was organized, with Mr. George Worrell serving as the first Superintendent.
Succeeding Rev. Wood was the Rev. Newsome Martin of Suffolk, Virginia. Under Rev. Martin's leadership, the Congregation began to increase, and the church building was enlarged. At the end of twelve years (1889-1901), Rev. Newsome Martin resigned as Pastor. We still knew that we must have a leader for the flock; through God's inspiration, we next chose the Rev. M. N. Zollicofer of Littleton, North Carolina as our fourth Pastor. Under his leadership, the membership continued to increase. Our Deacon Board membership increased as we became stronger spiritually. Several auxiliaries were organized to aid the Church. Many of these auxiliaries are in existence today and continue to give significant financial aid to our Church.
During Rev. Zollicofer's leadership, a choir was formed to aid in worship service. The Senior Choir was organized in 1915 with Mr. Edd Willie as the first president. The Usher Board was organized in 1925 with Mrs. Sara Willie Clark as the first president. Two study rooms were added, Delco lights were installed, after which electrical lights and the church top was changed from shingle to metal. The mortgage on the Church was burned. After serving faithfully for twenty-nine years (1901-1930), Rev. Zollicofer resigned as Pastor.
We were like lumps of clay on the potter's wheel, as God the Divine Potter was ready to mold our future. God's hands were on us now, molding and remolding who we are and who we should be. We were in the process of becoming God's finished product while realizing the need for a church leader to maintain God's work in Christian service. The Congregation accepted Rev. G. W. Sharpe of Portsmouth, Virginia as the next Pastor of Canaan Baptist. Under the leadership of Rev. Sharpe, the Missionary Circle came back into existence, and the auxiliaries of the Church expanded in their duties and efficiency. The choir stand was enlarged and became an elevated extension of the pulpit; the pulpit was moved forward, altered, and enlarged. Pews were altered, painted, and rearranged. Under Rev. Sharpe's leadership, Mr. Troy Boone was ordained as a deacon of Canaan Baptist Church. After two years of serving Canaan's membership, Rev. Sharpe offered resignation (1930-1932).
Our sixth leader was Dr. S. H. Lathan of Portsmouth, Virginia. Many accomplishments were made during his Pastorate, namely, new flooring for the Church, walls were plastered, the roof arched, and material changed. Once again, the pulpit and choir loft were enlarged. The pulpit was refurbished, running water, restrooms, first aid room, a baptismal pool under the pulpit, and carpet on the floor was installed. A Hammond organ with chimes a Baby Grand piano, new church pews, a communion set, and steam heat, radiators, Baptist Hymnals for the entire Congregation was also purchased. The Young People's Choir was organized in 1939 with Mrs. Georgianna Pope as President. The plan of tithing was brought to us, which is still in existence at this time. Under his Pastorate, leadership evolved from the likes of Deacons Roscoe Pierce, William Willie, Ed Darden, Alfred Darden, V.B. Burgess, Bernard Daye, Ferry Parker, Sr. Troy Boone, Russell Boone, Sr. and Chairman of Deacons, John S. Everett. Women also contributed to the spiritual growth of the Church with the guidance of Deaconesses Sarah Diggs, Mamie Patterson, Mary Willie, Annie Lundy, Chestine Darden, and Ethel Skinner. As an added responsibility to the upkeep of the Church, Trustees Joe Everett, Clifton Willie, along with other board members, accepted their tasks in the spirit of love abound. Mrs. Blanche Lewis served in dual roles as Church Clerk and Deaconess, willing to stay on the battlefield for God. Deacon Troy Boone became Superintendent of the Sunday School. Canaan Baptist Church was blessed to have celebrated its " 75th Diamond Jubilee Anniversary" Sunday, November 12 through Sunday, November 19, 1950. The planning committee worked faithfully to ensure a successful celebration.
The planning committee consisted of Miss Elma Willie, Chair, Mrs. Ethel Godwin, Dr. S. H. Lathan, Pastor, Mrs. Eunice Thomas, Mr. Troy Boone, and Mrs. E. Dellis Lawrence. A beautiful commemorative Souvenir Program of Canaan Baptist Church was the committee most exquisite presentation given to the Church. It was under his leadership that plans were made for the present edifice, which we are privileged to enjoy today. Rev. Lathan served us until God saw fit to call him home. He served faithfully our Congregation for eighteen years (1932-1950).
Surely the Lord was in the midst of our past, as once again, we sought a shepherd for the Church, Our seventh Pastor, Dr. Jesse E. Arrington, accepted the call of Pastorate. The evidence that the Lord had kept us, in the face of transition, was simply too great to deny.
Our Pastor had proven himself to be a considerate, faithful above all, a meek and humble person. In the summer of 1962, Mr. Elder Lawrence, Mr. Joe Stancil, Mr. Troy Boone, and Mr. Theodore Everett envisioned and initiated construction for a new sanctuary for worship. Canaan Baptist has experienced many accomplishments for which we are so grateful. Rev. Arrington continued with the plans of tithes initiated by Dr. Lathan for the new edifice. Under the Pastor's leadership, ability, and skills, we were able to move into the new completely furnished sanctuary on the first Sunday in January 1964. Again the membership increased, lights were installed on the grounds, and total air conditioning of the building installed. During his Pastorate, many of the faithful deacons such as Mr. Joe Stancil, Mr. Russell Boone, and Mr. Troy Boone Chair of Deacons Board, and others spearheaded church projects to ensure that God's work would continue. Deacon Louis Bullock dedicated many hours to the upkeep of the church grounds and cemeteries. Trustees Mr. Vernon Galloway, Mr. Walter Darden, Mr. Raymond Boone, and others built on the vision that this Church was our shelter in the time of storm. Deaconesses knew their responsibilities to spread the Word of God, such as Mrs. Rosa Wiggins, Mrs. Dollie Blizzard, Mrs. Inez Boone, and others. Draperies were added in the Sunday school Department, the lawn landscaped, a bulletin board added, and railings placed at both entrances.
Our CENTENNIAL history ends here, and for the past twenty-six years, we have experienced continued growth; physically, socially, and spiritually.
During Rev. Arrington's Pastorate, the membership of the Church had greatly increased. The edifice in which we now worship was erected, and the mortgage burned in November 1991. Encompassed in our physical growth was completely furnished educational building added to the existing structure, thus changing our building to an "L" shaped structure. A completely furnished educational department was Constructed with an auditorium, five classrooms, janitorial, and nurse's aide rooms. Baptist Hymnals were purchased, and a Hammond Organ installed. For the comfort of our members, visitors, and friends, we had pews cushioned. Fans were purchased and installed to aid in the circulation of existing central air and heat. We had two custom-built lecterns erected and restored the roof. Vertical velour blinds replaced customer-made drapes, thus modernizing the educational department.
Our social history continued with the acquisition of playground equipment donated by
Mrs. Audrey B. Cooper. This generous act inspired Dr. Arrington and officers to explore the possibility of developing a recreational area, which been completed and extended to include a picnic area. Equipment included volleyballs and nets, adjustable swings, baseballs, sandboxes, and horseshoes as housing for the equipment was purchased. The recreational area can accommodate walking and biking and is the official site of our "Annual Church Picnic."
Under Rev. Arrington's leadership, growth led to a stronger commitment to spirituality. The Church membership grew through the acceptance of new members and the restoration of others. Canaan Baptist installed five new deacons and accepted one through restored membership, bringing the number to eleven. During the year 1999, Rev. Arrington decided to share with the Congregation the desire to retire upon rendering forty years of spiritual growth that had guided the lives of many to Jesus Christ. Rev Arrington delivered his last sermon in January 2000, the year of the millennium, and was bestowed the title of Pastor Emeritus on June 24, 2000.
God blessed our Congregation to achieve another milestone in the presentation and adoption of Canaan Baptist Church Bylaws. The official adoption date for the Church's bylaws reflects November 20, 2000. We knew and understood why the Psalmist spoke joyfully of what God had done-we knew that God would do it again and again. After entertaining several speakers, the pulpit committee recommended, and the body voted to elect Robert L Barnes, II as the eighth Pastor of Canaan Baptist Church.
Sunday, June 03, 2001, marked the installation of Rev. Robert L. Barnes II as Pastor. Under Rev. Barnes' leadership, implementation of spiritual training and leadership workshops, Video ministry, Summer Camp, Reinstatement of the Pastor's Aid, among other accomplishments were noted. A newly elected Trustee Ministry was secured, which included its first two females, Vicki C. Wiggins-Pittman, Sharon Burgess, in addition to Mr. BJ Willie, Mr. Shavior Darden, Mr. Franklin Chatman, Mr. Theodore Vincent and Dr. Pretlow Stevenson who served as Chairman of the Trustee Ministry. Mr. Ronald Thomas was ordained as Deacon on September 23, 2001, and Ms. Jacqueline Boone accepted the call for Deaconess in training. Also, under Rev Barnes' Pastorate, the Church adopted the Apex ministry, new church logo, and the position of Director Christian Board of Education, which Mrs. Audrey Cooper answered the call to serve. The Church was presented a City of Suffolk Proclamation in celebration of 126th Church Anniversary as by Mayor Curtis Milteer on November 16, 2001. Canaan Baptist continued the legacy of growth under Rev. Dr. Barnes' leadership with the ordination of its first female Deacon, Sharon Burgess along with other new deacons, Mr. Jimmie Poole, Mr. Vernell Woods, Mr. Marvin Copeland, Mr. Johnny Allen, and Mr. Lester Gates Jr., first Assistant to the Pastor-Rev. Carolyn Bell, New Trustees – Theodore Vincent, Shavior Darden, James Rodgers, Lorenzo Williams and Gwynndolyn Caldwell who served as Chair of the Trustee Ministry, first radio broadcast (WPCE AM1400), purchase of a new church van with full implementation of the Van Ministry, first Annual Golf Tournament (one of several means to helping to achieve his great vision of establishing a Boy's Academy), Early Morning Worship Service, Male Chorus, Gospel Ensemble Choir, Youth Praise Team Ministry, Children's Church, Prayer Band Ministry, Expanded Senior Citizen Ministry, The Women's Ministry, The Men's Ministry (formerly The Christian Action Ministry), Evangelism Ministry, Exercising in the Spirit Ministry, among other accomplishments noted, such as a website: and an e-mail address: On Mother's Day of 2007, Canaan Baptist introduced the Mothers' Board consisting of women of the Congregation at least 80 (Eighty) years old. Charter members were: Gloria Barnes (First Lady), Ruby Burgess, Sally Cofield, Thelma Hicks, Cennie James, Emma D. Lawrence, Elsie McCray, Beatrice Reeves, Ovilla Vincent, Mildred Waters, and Eunice Wiggins.
The year 2008 saw the emergence of additional ministries, and we continued to follow the vision of God's plan for our fellowship. Added were: Food for Heart, Public Relations/Beautification, and Sports / Recreation. Dr. Barnes served as Pastor until August 2009.
On January 10, 2010, Rev. Vernon W. Hairston Sr. was installed as the ninth Pastor of Canaan Baptist Church. The following is a list of the ministries currently serving at Canaan: Diaconate Ministry, Trustee Ministry, Women's Ministry, Men's Ministry, Sunday School, Usher's Ministry, Senior Citizen's Ministry, Culinary Arts Ministry, The Village (Youth) Ministry, Music Ministry, Pastor's Aide, Christian Education, Beautification Ministry, Transportation Ministry, Hospitality Ministry, Discipleship Ministry, Church Archives Ministry, Multimedia Ministry, Missionary Ministry, Mother's Board, Prayer Band, construction of restrooms, implementation of the Greeters, Young Lions, and Couples Ministries; new roof, and a new pavilion. This is just the beginning of the accomplishments of the kingdom of God.